How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a safe, effective way to remove unwanted hair. The heat from the laser destroys the hair follicle so that it cannot grow new hair.

Laser Hair Removal

The procedure is most effective on people with dark hair and light skin. The contrast between hair and skin color allows the pigment in the hair to absorb the laser’s heat.

Laser hair removal works by using a light-based technology that is safe for many skin types and colors. The laser beam passes through the surface of your skin and is absorbed by the pigment of the unwanted hair. This pigment is then converted to heat, which destroys the hair follicle and prevents future hair growth. During the treatment, you will feel some warmth or slight stinging, but this usually goes away quickly. If necessary, a topical anesthetic can be applied before the treatment to ensure your comfort.

The results from laser hair removal will be noticeable within a few days after the treatment. Your unwanted hair will begin to shed, causing your skin to appear lighter and smoother. This is a natural part of the process and does not indicate that the treatment has been unsuccessful. When hair regrows, it typically comes back thinner and lighter in color.

It is important to avoid waxing or plucking the unwanted hair between your treatment sessions. The bulb of the hair follicle is destroyed by the laser, so it must have some form of pigment to be targeted and damaged. Waxing and plucking remove this pigment, making the hair follicle ineffective for laser treatment.

Laser treatment is most effective when the hair follicles are in the active growth phase known as anagen. However, it can be used on hair follicles that are in the resting phase, called telogen. It is more difficult to treat follicles that are in the telogen phase, but it is possible. After a series of laser hair removal treatments, most patients experience hair-free skin for several months to years. When hair does regrow, it usually takes longer to grow and is finer than before.


If you’re ready to stop worrying about shaving or waxing and start enjoying life without the constant hassle of hair removal, laser treatment can give you the permanent results you want. But how you prepare for your session makes a huge difference in how effective it will be.

Start by finding a licensed, certified expert with a good reputation in your area. Check online reviews and ask friends for recommendations. Schedule a consultation to see if laser hair removal is the right choice for you. Your technician will review your medical history and answer all your questions to ensure that you are a good candidate for laser hair removal.

Before your appointment, make sure that you avoid sun exposure, especially if the area you’re having treated is sensitive. It’s also a good idea to avoid any cosmetic products that are likely to increase photosensitivity, like chemical peels, facials or microdermabrasion. You should also let your technician know if you’re taking any medications or supplements that may affect how your skin responds to the laser light.

Your technician will use a special cooling gel to protect the surface of your skin and help the laser light penetrate deeper into it. Some people report temporary discomfort from the laser, but it’s usually no worse than a rubber band snapping against your skin or a small, sunburn-like sting. If you’re concerned about pain, your technician will discuss numbing creams and other ways to minimize it.

It’s best to shave the area you’re having treated a few days before your appointment. This will make it easier for the laser heat to reach your hair follicles and destroy them. But be careful not to shave too closely, or you could end up with ingrown hairs or even a scar. You should also avoid plucking or waxing the area until after your laser appointment, unless you’re told to by your technician.

You’ll probably need several laser treatments in order to achieve your desired outcome, although the results from a single treatment will vary. Because hair has a growth cycle that includes resting, shedding and growing phases, you’ll need to schedule regular sessions over the course of several months in order to get lasting results.


Laser hair removal is one of the most popular minimally invasive cosmetic treatments in the United States. It is safe for most people, but you should avoid it if you have a history of herpes, are pregnant or nursing, or have a skin condition such as eczema. You also should not have the procedure done by an unlicensed technician because it can cause burns and scarring.

To perform laser hair removal, your doctor or a trained aesthetician will put a gel or other numbing agent on the area to be treated. Then they will press a handheld device against your skin and trigger the laser. The sensation feels like a series of small stings or rubber bands snapping against the skin. The treatment might take a few minutes to an hour or more depending on the size of the area being treated. You will be given protective eyewear to wear during the treatment.

The hair follicles absorb the laser’s energy, causing them to die and stop producing new hair. The amount of hair that is removed after a session varies among patients. It depends on hair color and thickness, the area being treated, and hormonal influences. You may need several laser hair removal sessions to achieve the desired results.

Some patients might experience itching after the treatment. This is because the laser permeates deeply into the cavities of the hair follicles and destroys them. Itching usually lasts for less than a day, but it is important to contact your technician if the itchiness persists longer than a few hours.

You should not expose the area of the skin that has been treated to sunlight until your treatment course is finished. Using an ice pack to soothe the area can help reduce swelling and discomfort. You should also apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to the area of the skin that has been treated each time you go outside.

You should also stay away from sunless tanning creams and other types of hair removal methods, such as plucking or waxing, because they can disturb the hair follicles and delay the results of your treatment. You should also avoid taking certain medications that can affect blood flow, such as aspirin.


After a laser hair removal session, your skin may feel itchy and slightly burnt. This is normal, and it will pass. It’s recommended to use a cooling gel, lotion, or aloe vera to soothe the skin, and avoid using products with fragrances (including perfumed body wash, soaps, and deodorants). Also, skip harsh exfoliating scrubs for about a week after your appointment. Similarly, you should wait to take hot showers or baths.

It’s also important to apply a thick layer of sunscreen on the area treated, and to reapply it every day for the first month after your treatment. This helps reduce the risk of light spots or hyperpigmentation in the treated area.

If you’re prone to sunburns, it’s a good idea to wear a wide-brimmed hat and cover the treated areas of your body when going outdoors. In addition, you should also avoid tanning beds as they’ll increase your risk of hypopigmentation and sunburns.

Many men and women notice a significant decrease in hair growth after their initial series of six to eight laser treatments. However, it’s not possible to become completely hair-free from laser treatments alone, and you will likely need to schedule touch-up sessions once or twice a year to catch stray hairs.

Some hair removal methods, like waxing and plucking, can cause permanent damage to the hair follicles, so they’re best avoided after getting laser treatments. Instead, try alternatives such as CoolTone muscle toning, Intima feminine rejuvenation, or Kybella fat removal.

If you’re ready to get rid of unwanted hair, contact the spa to schedule your consultation. We’ll be happy to recommend a package of treatments that’s right for you. Just make sure to numb the area with an over-the-counter numbing cream before your appointment! For the best results, shave the area 24 hours before your appointment, and don’t wax or pluck the hairs. This is because it’s the hair follicle itself that laser treatment targets and it must be present to work effectively. This will ensure you get the most effective results from your laser hair removal session.